Note: these are some rough, preliminary notes on mental security, defined as the art and discipline of keeping one's mental software free from hostile external influence. Or in other words, having a mind able to achieve its own goals, rather than goals of, say, Moloch or other people which happened to be around. This is supposed to serve as a reference point for discussion and further thought. It's definitely not an explanation or a tutorial.
- this is dangerous business, and not one that human minds are designed for
- however, necessary to do anything which is far outside of the Overton window of agency
- of course, security is pointless unless you are convinced that you actually have some integrity/values/thoughts that are worth protecting
- and it should go without saying that working on security with insufficient self-knowledge is just shooting yourself in the foot really hard
Detection / Self-Diagnosis
Male-Type Threats
- which people or sources...
- are you impressed by?
- do you turn to when in doubt?
- do you listen to/read very eagerly?
- always have convincing arguments?
- seem to always be right?
- you can't imagine disagreeing with?
- monitoring beliefs
- coherent meta-epistemics
- making beliefs pay rent
- tracking social reality separately
- disconnecting beliefs from identity
- noticing burned beliefs
- beliefs which are maxed out the scale of intuitive confidence, indicating that the whole scale is miscalibrated
- wielding artifacts of power
- which people or sources...
Female-Type Threats
- which people or social strategies...
- do you tend to find attractive?
- make you feel safe?
- make it hard for you to think clearly?
- are you jealous of?
- you can't imagine living without?
- cause you to ruminate a lot?
- you can't imagine hurting?
- monitoring emotions
- what emotional reactions do you have that seem
inconsistent with your values?
- again, should be obvious but: are you by any chance wrong about your values?
- do they predictably change in certain situations, or around certain people?
- are you sometimes surprised by your own emotions or actions?
- do you experience akrasia?
- do you tend to avoid situations which would make you experience strong emotions?
- packet capture
- spend a few days in isolation, watch compromised mental processes try to restore communication
- what emotional reactions do you have that seem
inconsistent with your values?
- which people or social strategies...
- learning to see through threats in real-time
- building models in increasingly difficult situations
- watching from afar how other people are being pwned
- replicating offensive tactics to learn about them
- pentest by a trusted and skilled third party
- strong meta-rationality to estimate threat levels
- offense is (some) defense
- however, this is leaky and fragile
- might give a false sense of security until you are suddenly out of your league
- it is common to subconsciously gravitate to this local optimum
- there are ethical concerns
- firewall
- gather evidence about power levels of various treats
- avoid exposure to known threats above your level
- keep physical distance if possible
- learning to see through threats in real-time
Warning: all the articles linked above potentially lead to lethal memetic infection loads. There isn't much I can do about it.
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